AEGIS Statement on the new US immigration policy

Pubblichiamo di seguito la dichiarazione di AEGIS, network di cui ASAI fa parte, in sostegno alla presa di posizione dei colleghi della African Studies Association sulla politica sull’immigrazione del governo statunitense.


The Board and Advisory Council of AEGIS, the Africa Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, fully support our ASA colleagues in the United States and share their great worries, as expressed in their statement, which can be found here:

We are sure we also speak on behalf of our 34 Members, all African Studies Centres and Institutes in Europe, and on behalf of many thousands of Africanist scholars all over Europe. We wish to express our solidarity for our African Studies Association (ASA) colleagues in the USA.

As an association of European-based Africanists we are profoundly opposed to policies or actions anywhere that exclude or inhibit students and scholars at any level from undertaking learning, teaching or research on the basis of their race, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability or place of birth.  These concerns extend to such practices of discrimination in a much wider sense.  Joining a thankfully growing range of voices across the globe, we strongly assert our ethos of welcome and inclusion in our own institutions, and stand in solidarity with all campaigns of welcome and inclusion everywhere.

The AEGIS Board

Prof. Clara Carvalho, President of AEGIS (Lisbon), Prof. Ton Dietz (Leiden), Prof. Till Förster (Basel), Prof. Amanda Hammar (Kopenhagen), Dr Emmanuelle Kadya Tall (Paris).

The AEGIS Advisory Council: Prof. Ulf Engel (Leipzig), Prof. Leo de Haan (ISS The Hague), Prof. Paul Nugent (Edinburgh), Prof. Alessandro Triulzi (Naples).